Penrickton Center is a licensed Day Care Center for children ages 1-6 years old who are blind, visually impaired and have at least one additional disability. The daycare program is individualized for each child from one to five days, Monday through Friday. Penrickton Center provides daily activities, developmentally appropriate goals, Active Learning, field trips, therapy dogs, music therapy, and dance and movement therapy. Most children in Day Care live within a one-hour driving distance to Penrickton Center. Families are responsible for transportation needs. There is no charge to families.
After School Day Care:
Children are 3-12 years old, blind and visually impaired, with at least one additional disability. This program is available Monday through Friday with times varying on the child’s age, availability, and parent request. There is no charge to families. Penrickton Center provides daily activities, developmentally appropriate goals, Active Learning, field trips, therapy dogs, music therapy, and dance and movement therapy. While there is no charge to families for care, families are responsible for transportation needs.
Contact Social Worker, Lori Vargo, L.M.S.W. for more information: